By Way of Starlight: Celestial Talismans

Astrologically Elected and Ritually Made According to Traditional Texts

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Talismanic Offerings - 2024

Current Offerings

Mars in Scorpio Cazimi

Justice, Power, Protection, and Being True to One's Own Nature - Scorpio is a feminine and fixed water sign. Mars in Scorpio Cazimi births the truth of the dark watery mother at root of all causes, bringing infinite universes and possibilities into the light. But its more than that: Read more

Adoration of Taurt - Fixed Star Ras Alhague

Created during the star's annual rise, a talisman for the protection of women, fertility, childbirth, and the nursing of infants. Read more

I Wish I Were Your Mirror - Exalted Luna in Taurus

A talisman to reveal and reflect one's true self, the soul. Moon conjunct Jupiter at the midheaven, Venus in domicile in Libra. Read more

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Not Yet Released

Queen of the Night - Venus and Luna

To be announced.

Everything About Her Was White - Moon, Venus, and Saturn on Deneb Algedi

To be released after Kaitlin Coppock has completed her Saturn in Aquarius initial release

Across the Milky Way - Fixed Star Vega

To be announced.

Stealers of Light, Edmund Dulac

Like a stunned piano, like a bucket
of fresh milk flung into the air
or a dozen fists of confetti
thrown hard at a bride
stepping down from the altar,
the stars surprise the sky.

~Edward Hirsch, In Spite of Everything, the Stars

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The Alchemy of Talismanic Tiles

Magical Practice and Practical Magic

One way of categorizing magic is as theurgic, divine magic, and thaumaturgic, practical magic. It can be argued that this is a somewhat artificial distinction because even if one comes into the magic with the intention to game the system (as one might pray to one of the saints to intercede for a job or partner or healing), the experience is itself transformative, as Light emanating from the Source of light comes to manifest in the world. For a deep dive, see Ficino's Three Books on Life and Iamblichus, On the Mysteries of the Egytians, Chaldeans, and Assyrians.

As Jung noted before us, the images we live with and surround ourselves with impact us greatly, coloring and even defining the way we see the world. I bring this up because even if one is looking to remediate a natal chart configuration or current life condition, it might be faster and better to take just the trash out, literally or metaphorically. Tile, like gold and silver jewelry, lasts a good long time and as such is is a better choice for substantial changes in character and life conditions. Traditional purposes for talismans include apotropaic (protection and good luck), natal chart remediation (but perhaps not the best place to start), love, health and well-being, and family.

How to Use

Generally, we use the word magic for everything hidden from the sense whose causes most of humanity cannot perceive. The wise call the images talismans which literally means "forcebearers" because those who fashion images do so through force, by conquering the substance from which they are composed. To succeed, one builds images with mathematical proportions, influences, and celestial effects. Such talismans are composed from appropriate substances, at appropriate times. ~Picatrix

An astrological talisman is not an amulet, although these terms are sometimes used interchangeably. It is usually made at a rare and auspicious moment in time. But it's more than that, or everthing would be a talisman since everything is made some time. You do not have to work with these tiles to reap their benefit. The forces in play do what they do. You attune to each other over time, and the more attention you put on it, the more time you spend with it, and in proximity to it, the faster that happens. Austin Coppock describes it as grafting a new chart onto your life. You might want to read my article Astrological Talismans: Five Reasons You Shouldn't Buy a Talisman. There are good reasons not to.

Finally, if you do not have a home where you can properly install a mural, or if altar tiles and fine art prints are not an option for some other reason, please consider talismanic materia* by Kaitlin Coppock. I will gush about her more in the acknowledgements but I cannot recommend her work more highly.